Serix IAM - Identity and access management

What is a superior system?

Simply put, it is a system to which all your existing systems are connected. The underlying systems are integrated with the parent system and thus give you as an administrator a common interface. You may, for example, have an AD (Active Directory), an access control system, an HR system, a system for handling your ID cards, etc. These you sit and administer and monitor in several different systems with different interfaces. A superior system also means that the system rarely replaces any other software or hardware, but is located as an extra layer on top of the connected underlying systems. Therfore you do not risk losing any functionality in your existing systems as these will still work with the same settings as before.

Serix IAM - A Superior system for innovative identity management

For people, credentials, authorizations and asset management

Serix IAM is a powerful tool for managing a person’s Identity, Credentials and Access levels in multiple systems. By retrieving personal data from a reliable source such as e.g. an HR system or personnel system and linking them to other systems such as access systems and printing solutions ensures that all systems are always updated. In addition, being able to administrate assets such as a computer, mobile phones and other devices related to the employment will give the system owner full control. In addition, there are several tools for people within the organization to be able to self-administer tasks around their person, e.g. through a self-service station or user portal.

Serix IAM is installed in the customer’s existing IT environmentcor offered as a cloud service. No client installation is required, and everything is administered via an intuitive web interface. Users can easily manage multiple functions regarding their identity, credentials and permissions via a self service station and user portal.



In simplified terms, one could say that an superior system is a common platform designed to present information from multiple underlying systems in a consolidated manner. An superior system usually does not replace any other software or hardware but acts as an additional layer on top of the connected underlying systems.

  • User Friendly - Users only need to master one common interface for several different systems.
  • Ability to create intelligent, automated workflows and processes that result in cost-effectiveness (ROI).
  • Increased control through real-time oversight of how the business operates.
  • Streamlines and enhances security work as all information is centralized in one place.
  • Flexibility - The platform allows you to maintain your original systems and choose the combination of vendors that you find most suitable for your business.

The right person with the right authority

By connecting attributes from the source system via Serix IAM to permissions in other external systems, it is ensured that all permissions are always updated. E.g. it is possible to link a person’s department to an access group in the access system. This means that access in the access system is also updated if the person changes department or job position. If the person’s employment is terminated, all permissions in all connected systems are automatically blocked.

Serix IAM in brief

  • Manages multiple categories of people from multiple sources 
  • Handles multiple identity carriers such as cards, keyfobs and mobile credentials 
  • Manages assets that are linked to the employee or are temporarily borrowed
  • Self-service station and user portal 
  • Integrates with external systems such as Access Control systems and print management for Access cards 
  • Production of cards locally or by ordering from Seriline
  • Deployed at customer or as a cloud service



A common platform for multiple systems - regardless of manufacturer

Most property owners use more than one type of access control system, which leads to increased administration. The reason for this is that the needs for a property can be several and the suppliers of the various passage brands specialize in solving these needs in the best way by, for example, offering both online and offline solutions. All companies and organizations want to have more time and focus on their core business. By linking all the underlying systems of the business to a superior system, control and security increase. Our experience shows that it also creates a much smoother, automated and cost-effective administration of our customers' identity and access management. As a user, you only need to master one user interface to administer several different systems.


Serix IAM allows you to link assets to a person. These may be assets linked to employment such as a computer, a mobile phone and a service car, but also things that are temporarily used as a projector or keys. This provides a good basis for gaining full control of all assets in the organization, where they are and when they are expected to be returned.

Create credentials

In Serix IAM you can easily produce your access cards yourself or by a simple push of a button send the order to Seriline for production. We then produce the card and send it to a central delivery point or direct home to the cardholder.


User interface

The Serix IAM interface for administrators and the user portal is based on the latest technology. This means that it is intuitive and easy to use. Importing and exporting data to external systems is very fast. The interface is responsive and can be run on both computers and mobile devices.

Logging & GDPR

All changes in the system are logged and can be presented to the administrator of Serix IAM. This gives you a complete overview of who has done what. This is presented in the interface so that it is quick and easy to see what has caused a change in a person, credential, access privileges or assets.

When it comes to logging and GDPR, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that collected data is processed according to the guidelines of the Data Protection Regulation. That includes keeping personal information protected, minimizing the collection of unnecessary data and ensuring that the logs are not used in a way that violates the individual's rights to privacy and data protection.

In short, when logging activities and operations within Serix IAM, it is crucial to comply with the GDPR's data protection principles. This includes being transparent about the collection and use of data, ensuring that data is stored securely and is not used in ways that may threaten the privacy of the individual. By balancing the benefits of logging with the individual's data protection rights, you can benefit from increased overview and visibility into the system while maintaining privacy and complying with legal requirements.


Access control system integrations:


  • ASSA Aptus

  • ASSA Mobile keys 
  • Bitwards Mobile keys 
  • Bravida Integra
  • RCO R-Card M5
  • Parakey
  • Stanley SSM,
  • SALTO Space
  • Vanderbilt Omnis
  • Pelco Esmikko
  • Lenel OnGuard
  • Dormakaba Exos
  • Schneider Security Expert.
  • Traka Key and storage cabinets
  • Pacom Unison



Other integrations:

  • Entra ID
  • WorkDay HR system 
  • e-charging 
  • Hunter Pneumatic tube systems 
  • Copy print, Canon etc
  • SSG training system for Swedish industry
  • Actor booking systems
  • Library system
  • Active Directory
  • HSA
  • Kontek salary
  • VITEC Propertydata
  • Inera
  • AMQP
  • SQL
  • Sats
  • Sodexo
  • Textilia
  • Iloq S10
  • Fast APO
Why choose us?

We offer the latest technology and have installed our solutions for some of Sweden's largest companies, organizations, municipalities and county councils. But above all, we have the employees, the experience and the competence to develop the best solution that we know works best for your particular business. Our platform is system-independent and the customer always owns their own data and can in the future choose to replace the parent system if desired. We work according to a simple and efficient model: needs analysis, design, installation and service.

  • Simplified administration
  • Increased security
  • Automated processes
  • ROI (Return Of Investment)

Welcome as a customer you too!

Common questions

Here you will find the most common questions we receive from our customers. If you do not find the answer to what you are wondering about, you are most welcome to contact us.

Serix IAM is a powerful solution that enables efficient management of a person's identity in several different systems. The management involves an individual's digital identity, physical access rights and belongings within an organization. By integrating and merging information from reliable sources such as HR systems or personnel systems with other systems such as access systems and printing solutions, Serix IAM ensures that all information about an individual is always current and correct. This interconnection makes it possible to manage and monitor identities and access rights in a structured and efficient way.

1. Reduced Administration: By gathering different access systems under a superior system, the need to manage several separate platforms is reduced. This leads to less time-consuming administrative work required to manage and maintain each individual system.

2. Improved Control and Security: An overall system enables better overview and management of passage-related activities. It gives a more holistic view of who has what access and between which times, regardless of which access systems control the authorizations.

3. More efficient use of resources: A superior system can contribute to a more optimized use of resources. By integrating different systems, duplication of work and redundant equipment can be avoided. This can result in reduced costs through better utilization of existing resources.

4. Smoother User Experience: For the users of the property, it becomes easier to interact with a single interface instead of having to manage several different systems. This leads to a smoother and more consistent user experience, which can improve user satisfaction.

5. Automated Process Management: By integrating different access systems, routine processes can be automated. This includes granting and revoking access, report generation and other administrative tasks. Automation reduces the risk of human error and frees up time for staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

6. Better Decision Making: A superior system can provide insights and analyzes that extend across the entire property portfolio. This aggregated data can be used to make more informed decisions about security, resource allocation and system improvements.

In conclusion, by using Serix IAM as the overall superior system, all types of organizations can benefit from reduced administrative burden, improved control and security, more efficient use of resources, simpler user management, automated process management and better decision support. This can result in a more streamlined and cost-effective handling of identity and access management, while freeing up time and resources to focus on core business.

We help all types of organisations, authorities and municipalities to keep track of their access management. In Serix IAM, you can for several different access systems, see which people have authorization for what and in which systems. Who gave them that authority? And why should he have that authority? We give authorities and municipalities the opportunity to be flexible in a safe way with, for example, the end users, through self-service, easily and quickly applying to change authorizations. Traditionally, it may have always been the case that the service administrator always entered the service hall, even those who never worked. But we can arrange so that it is easy to choose for yourself when and how an authorization should apply. It is only a click away for the approver who decides the permission availability. This also helps in being more dynamic in giving the right access to the right people at the right time. For example, if the authorization should only apply from 08:00 on Tuesday until 17:00 on Thursday. After that, the person shall not have authorization. It helps organizations, authorities and municipalities comply with both the GDPR and the Security Protection Act and have a safe workplace.

Our business offers a ground-breaking technological experience and has successfully implemented innovative solutions for some of Sweden's most prominent companies, authorities, municipalities and county councils. But what really sets us apart is our dedicated team of employees as well as our extensive experience and expertise. Together, we strive to design the optimal solution that is tailored to your particular business.

We combine the latest technology with a proven and simple working model. We are not only proud of our outstanding solutions, but also of the coworkers who run our business and the skills we gather. Our focus is on making your access and identity management as flexible, efficient and adaptable as possible, while ensuring that you always have control over your data and your future options.

The Serix IAM system can be implemented in the customer's existing IT environment or provided as a cloud service. One of the prominent advantages is that no client installations are required. All handling and administration takes place through an intuitive web interface, which simplifies the process and gives users a simple and smooth experience.

An integration means that you unite two separate systems so that they work together and exchange information or functions. When one system is integrated with another, it enables collaboration and enhanced functionality between the systems.

Integration and Serix IAM:

In today's drive to improve efficiency, integrations are of utmost importance. It's about finding smarter solutions, optimizing processes and maximizing the use of time and resources. The integration process is basically about putting together puzzle pieces from different systems, with the program's functions (APIs) acting as the key to forming a coherent picture. Our identity management system (IAM system), Serix IAM, is designed with a strong focus on API integrations. This means that it can be easily connected with other systems to create a coherent and powerful solution.

Logging activities in a system, along with compliance with the GDPR (Data Protection Regulation), requires specific attention and care. By registering and managing changes correctly, you can ensure that the individual's integrity and data protection are in focus.

Logging and GDPR in Serix IAM:

All changes made in the Serix IAM system are carefully logged and offered to the administrator. This log provides a detailed overview of what actions have been performed and by whom. The collected information provides a clear overview of all activities that take place in the system, including the identification of which person performed which action.

This logging is a valuable resource to achieve full transparency and accountability within the system. It allows the administrator to quickly and easily identify the reasons for changes in a person's data or permissions. This also supports a more comprehensive understanding of the course of events and possible handling of incidents.

When it comes to logging and GDPR, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that collected data is processed according to the guidelines of the Data Protection Regulation. That includes keeping personal information protected, minimizing the collection of unnecessary data and ensuring that the logs are not used in a way that violates the individual's rights to privacy and data protection.

In short, when logging activities and operations within Serix IAM, it is crucial to comply with the GDPR's data protection principles. This includes being transparent about the collection and use of data, ensuring that data is stored securely and is not used in ways that may threaten the privacy of the individual. By balancing the benefits of logging with the individual's data protection rights, you can benefit from increased overview and visibility into the system while maintaining privacy and complying with legal requirements.

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