Printed plastic cards

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Plastic cards with a layout in the same format and quality as regular credit cards. The cards can, for example, be used as ID and authorization cards, access cards, permits or certificates. The cards can be delivered with different kinds of data carriers such as magstripe or RFID, with or without encoding and numbering, barcoding and other personalization.

The plastic cards come with unlimited abilities/opportunities: one simple card can work both as an ID card, access card, authorization card together with an info card. In our ordering portal, you can have multiple card designs depending on which card type you would like to order. It is simple to choose which design you would like to have for each card, and information such as names and pictures is something you will simply fill in yourself.

We also offer solutions for you to be able to create your own professional ID cards for the company. Our system is used by companies, municipality and organizations for manufacturing of ID- and authorization cards. The cards can be printed with your own equipment, card printers for standardized plastic cards, or be sent online for central production

Sign up for an account today!

The registration fee of 1,200 sek will be sent by invoice once you are onboarded in our system. 
After this, you will only have to pay for the cards you order.

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Cards with a static image

The size of the finished card is 85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm.
Cards that are to be digitally printed with only static information, such as access cards and information cards, we preferably receive as a PDF (CMYK). PDF´s that must be printed directly must then be in exact dimensions 54 x 85.6 mm.

You can send several pages with different images. Convert texts to paths to get the right font. If a completely black color is desired in, for example for texts, color mixture C0, M0, Y0, K100 should be used.

Cards with a background image and variable information

Cards to be printed with variable information are easily ordered through our online portal.
Create an account on the button below named "Get started with printed plastic cards". There you can attach the background you want to use on the cards. We make your card template and then you can order the cards as you wish.

The background image of the online cards is submitted as an image file in JPG, TIF or EPS format. In the case of a layout with bleed, 2 mm on each side should be added (ie 89.6 x 58 mm). The resolution of the image should be 300 DPI.

Beställ ID-kort till Företaget


Would you like to try our online service?

We are hoping for a great collaboration in the future and will, therefore, offer you a sample card for free via our ordering portal. 
It is easy for you to choose which card and layout you want to use. You will then upload a photo, fill in your name and address and we will send your sample card for free. 

The manufacturing of the card will start immediately, and it usually takes around 3 days until you receive it. 

Note that the sample cards will only be sent to companies and organizations, not to private individuals. 

Order free sample card

Read more about our different types of cards

ID cards
ID cards

Business cards, corporate ID’s or plastic cards with photos - we have many names for the things we love.

Authorization cards
Authorization cards

Examples of use are certificates for altitude work, backstage passes for concerts and visitor cards for visitors of a company.


Access cards are plastic cards that are encoded to function in, for example, access control and time accounting systems.

It is the same software that is used for all types of cards. Only when printing (and in the card layout) is it decided how the cards will be printed. It is the number of functions that determine which program you need. For example, Mifare encoding SQL databases etc.

Any type of printer installed in Windows can be used.

In the software, there is a built-in layout editor where an unlimited number of card layouts can be created. These can then be selectable in a drop-down menu in the application window when the cards are created.

You will get your own card layout in the Online system, but for safety reasons, we at Seriline create them.

Bar code and magstripe encoding is included in all software. ID Enterprise also supports Mifare, where it is possible to interpret the card's serial number to the database and to sector encode the cards.

Get started with your cards today

To order your cards online you log in to the portal. Fill in your card details, attach a photograph, select any options, and order.
As simple as that. Production will begin immediately, and normally you will receive the cards by post within 3 days.

he registration fee of SEK 1,200 will be charged when your company is onboarded.
After that, you pay only for the cards you order.