Serix IoT - Secure identities for industrial environments

What is Serix IoT?

Serix IoT offers an innovative and flexible solution for secure product identification in industrial environments. With our technology, you can dynamically identify and track products, allowing product information and status to be updated and changed over time. This creates the opportunity for a more customized and relevant customer experience, where each product can provide specific, up-to-date information at any given point during its lifecycle.

By updating product status and history in real-time, customers can directly interact with the product and access updated details such as maintenance status, user instructions, or service history. This dynamic presentation of product identity not only increases transparency but also fosters deeper customer engagement through direct interaction. Customers can easily use a mobile device with NFC technology to access relevant and tailored information at each stage.

For businesses, this also means the ability to continue interacting with the customer after the product has been delivered. Through Serix IoT’s flexible system, you can update and customize information based on the customer's needs, enabling better service, maintenance planning, and follow-up. This seamless communication improves the customer experience while also providing valuable data on how products are used and received over time.

With Serix IoT, you ensure that not only your products and processes are up-to-date but also your customer relationships, leading to a smarter, more efficient, and customer-centric business model.

Internet of Things that works

  • Serix IoT provides unique, dynamic, and secure identities
  • Encrypted RFID tags for all environments
  • A cloud-based authentication platform
  • Easy reading with mobile devices supporting NFC
  • Platform-independent, no app required


Unique identity for a product

  • RFID tags encoded with a unique identity
  • The product's unique identity is linked in the underlying platform
  • Reporting for each unique identity in the platform

Dynamic presentation of the product

  • Different levels of data are presented depending on whether the user is logged in or not
  • Data can vary over time depending on the product's status or needs
  • The product's condition can change and be clarified, such as reported stolen, in need of maintenance, or similar.

Secure Identity

  • The identity is protected by secure cryptography and cannot be manipulated or copied
  • The solution provides access to more data and in-depth information for logged-in users


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