REX button WaveX Design - Black

REX button WaveX Design - Black

Price: From 560,00 kr

1 + 580,00 kr
100 + 560,00 kr

Non-contact REX button with adjustable infrared sensor with a modern design.

Article no: 7463
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The WaveX REX buttons are based on infrared (IR) sensor technology. The non-contact function makes it suitable in all environments where you want to avoid physical contact to unlock and open doors from the inside. The WaveX family's design offers performance along with high quality. Opportunity to choose from different designs such as color and shape factors to fit different environments.

This REX button is equipped with a screw terminal for connection of 12-24 VDC and potential-free relay NO / NC / COM, suitable for external or recessed mounting over the device box. Can be customized with your logo in four-color print or laser engraving.

Color: Glossy black

The product is based on infrared technology. Consideration must be given to where and how the product is to be mounted in order to minimize external disturbances. For example:

  • Do not place the infrared sensor in direct sunlight.
  • Do not place the infrared sensor against a window or glass wall.
  • Reflectors or clothing with reflectors can affect the infrared rays to increase the distance.
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