Plastic card Mifare DESFire EV2 4K

Plastic card Mifare DESFire EV2 4K

Price: From 37,00 kr

1 + 47,00 kr
100 + 44,00 kr
500 + 42,00 kr
1000 + 37,00 kr

Mifare DESFire is a very secure and flexible card with many uses. The card complies with ISO / IEC 14443A and is based on a global standard for both RF interfaces and encryption methods, e.g. AES 128. DESFire can handle up to 28 different applications with 32 files per application. The size of the files is determined when they are created. The card can be moderated to follow ISO / IEC 7816-4 commands.

Article no: 3244
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