ESG & Environmental Policy


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The company must always choose environmentally friendly alternatives for transport, products and the management of the entire value chain. From 2022, all cars purchased will be green cars and public transport will be the main alternative. All departments within the company shall actively work to reduce the company's environmental impact and it must be part of the management team´s work.

Seriline should pursue a responsible environmental activities in accordance with Swedish law. We shall achieve, by a good margin, the environmental requirements set by the authorities.

  • Seriline should actively start from generally accepted knowledge of environmental problems and their effects.
  • In its daily operations, Seriline shall actively work to reduce the environmental impact.
  • Seriline aims to reduce dependence on non-renewable resources and use our resources effectively.
This means, among other things, the following:
  • Transportation: Shipping will take place with suppliers that have an environmental policy.

  • Public transport - public transport and trains - should be used as far as possible.

  • Waste: Materials such as paper, plastic and electronics must be recycled as far as possible.

  • Training: Seriline's employees must receive continuous training in the environmental field.

  • Subcontractors: We monitor our suppliers' development of more environmentally friendly materials and processes.


We must in all situations work for everyone's equal rights within the organization, regardless of gender, orientation, or descent, and it shall be an obvious part of our everyday lives. We shall promote this at all levels and make demands on our suppliers that all deliveries must live up to the “Human Rights Agreement” and is responsible in turn for the entire value chain.

Our active work with The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, QNET and industry organizations is an important part of our responsibility, but the focus is on our employees.


Seriline must comply with legal requirements, rules, and work for compliance in all areas of activity, both within the countries in which we operate and comply with regulations for our export markets. The management of our customers' data and to comply with GDRP in a secure manner shall be a matter of course for everyone within the organization.


Whistleblowing is a process that enables Seriline Group employees, consultants, suppliers and other stakeholders to report violations of the law, Seriline's Code of Conduct or other serious irregularities within Seriline.


It is of great importance to Seriline to protect the company, our employees, suppliers, customers, the environment and society as a whole against serious irregularities in which Seriline could in some way be involved. If serious irregularities can be detected at an early stage, Seriline has a better opportunity to prevent the risks and limit the damage. It is beneficial not only for Seriline but also for our employees and other stakeholders. Seriline has therefore introduced an opportunity to report serious incidents through several different reporting channels.


Examples of serious violations that can be reported:

  • Bribery and corruption
  • Frauds
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Unfair comptetitive behaviour
  • Incorrect procurements
  • Unaughorized handling of insider information
  • Theft and embezzlement
  • Harassment
  • Human rights violations


Seriline's web-based Whistleblowing channel is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Reports through the Whistleblowing channel can be made completely anonymously
You can report here.

Social commitment

We live in a fantastic country with endless possibilities. Therefore, we want to join and support various projects with the aim of strengthening people and creating a better world.


Seriline Röda Korset

The Red Cross is the world's largest disaster organization that exists worldwide and consists of millions of volunteers who have decided to help other people. They fight to save lives and give hope all over the world and in Sweden, every day.

Seriline supports the Red Cross in its work and hopes to be able to change the lives and future of vulnerable people and to inspire the private sector to do the same.

Would you also like to contribute and contribute? 
Read more about the Red Cross here


Seriline Situation Stockholm

Situation Stockholm

Situation Sthlm is best known as the magazine sold by homeless people in Stockholm. But they are more than just a newspaper. With newspaper sales as a base, Situation Sthlm also runs a social business that in many ways tries to support the sellers' way back to society. They strive to be able to offer both constructive employment and other important tools in addition to newspaper sales.

In collaboration with Situation Stockholm, Seriline wants to contribute to a safer society. We have chosen to become a support subscriber to Situation Stockholm. Our sponsorship is based on the idea that we want to support others who also want to create a safer everyday life so that more players can be helped in the work towards a safer and better society. Through proactive action, partnerships and sponsorship, we can make a difference and create security. In our work, we assume that everyone is unique, with different driving forces and values. Security is a right for every citizen and must be protected. It is important that we reflect on what social climate we want and what world we want to live in. Only through meetings can we create understanding and knowledge about each other.

Do you also want to be a sponsor? 
Read more about Situation Sthlm here


Seriline Barncancerfonden

The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund

The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund works to fight childhood cancer and ensure that the affected and their families receive the care and support they need. The first seed for what is today the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund was sown in 1979 when troubled parents and health care workers joined forces to stop a planned closure of Sweden's then only child cancer department. Today, more than 40 years later, the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund is the largest financier of childhood cancer research in Sweden and today more than 80 percent of the children who are affected survive.

The long-term goal is to achieve a hundred percent survival for the children affected by cancer. In order for us to achieve this, research must continue to be driven forward and therefore all contributions we can receive - both from companies and private individuals, are needed. That is why we have chosen our Christmas gift every year to the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund. Together we can do more!

Do you also want to get involved in the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund? 
Read more about the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund here


Seriline Qnet


We are proud to sponsor Qnet, which is an association with the purpose of creating collaboration between women in senior positions who work with security in various roles and operations or educate in security. It is a meeting place where members can exchange knowledge and experience.
Read more about Qnet here



Seriline is a member of SäkerhetsBranschen, an association for security players. With their approximately 440 members, they gather companies to initiate, make visible, create an opinion for and drive value-creating security issues in a forum for a safer and more secure Sweden. The overall job of the Security Industry is to work for good quality, high knowledge and that the members of the association act responsibly.
Read more about SäkerhetsBranschen här

JA Sweden (UF)

Junior Achievement Sweden is a non-profit organization working to promote entrepreneurship among Swedish students and to facilitate relationships between industry and the Swedish school system.

Read more here

We believe that Sweden needs more people who start and develop companies in order to create growth and new jobs in the future. To contribute to this, we are a consultants to various JA companies.


Natt & Dag UF

The company was founded in 2017 in Stockholm by four young entrepreneurs who all have a keen interest in fashion and design. They discovered that the market lacked bracelets that are stylish with an exclusive touch and yet at a reasonable price. They wanted to change this, and that's how the company Natt & Dag UF came up one day in the late summer of 2017.

The name Night & Day comes from the fact that their bracelets fit on all different occasions during the day. The bracelets are as perfect to be worn in everyday life as during an evening event. Thanks to the stylish design, the character of the bracelet fit every hour of the day. Night & Day.

Seriline Sponsor


Jeans Rescue UF

The company has developed a sewing kit for jeans. This sewing kit contains everything you may need to fix your broken jeans including an instruction sheet and saves on both the customer's and the world's resources.

Arena Huddinge's venture capitalists met on December 4, 2017, traditionally a number of JA companies that pitched their ideas for scholarships. Jeans Rescue UF went home with the big investment - a scholarship worth SEK 6,000. They also ended up in first place for "Best stand".

Seriline Sponsor